Sessions - Corporate Colours

Whilst working on the screenshot project Das Nichts/Nothing I expanded the project by repeatedly making screenshots of screenshots, out of one source image or multiple source images.
By producing the Sessions I closely investigate icons, borders, corporate colours and symbols that are part of our daily visual input.
I use panning and zoom and I like playing tricks with the programmer's intention on what you may do with your pics on your phone and what you shouldn't. It needs al lot of efforts and all of my fingers to gain the desired compositions. Usually in one go. Around 500 to 1500 pics per session.

Currently I use this imagery to create video compositions for club visuals or ambient pieces. Apart from fading and multiplying the image through split-screen compositig I do not apply any further image alteration during post production. All screenshots of this project are strictly made 'in-house', that is inside my phone.

Ggl Plus | 201602 Sess.#07, 924 pics, 12 films, 494 min., 2016
A collection of Google Plus members void of their images.

Apps | Sess 201510 #5n001, 458 pics, 12 films, 245 min., 2015
Due to a software up date on my new phone I received a bunch of new optics. Using it's search function I explore the blurred imagery of my app collection .

VJ Das Nichts - Sess.#31, 289 pics, 2014
Starting point of this session is a screenshot of the ctm newsletter #135.

The Sessions - Corporate Colours currently cover around 100 topics that I have turned into visual compositions of 2 Terrabyte so far.
More sessions are waiting in line, more blank images are keen to be captured. I may require asistance to cope with it.

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